These are some of the many organizations in the Chicago area working to promote classical music:
Music Institute of Chicago
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Lyric Opera of Chicago
Grant Park Festival Orchestra
Art Institute of Chicago
WFMT Chicago
Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra
Midwest Young Artists
These are some of the many organizations in Portland working to promote classical music:
American String Teacher’s Association, OR chapter
Chamber Music Camp of Portland
Chamber Music Northwest
Columbia Symphony Orchestra (CSO)
Community Music Center of Portland
David Kerr Violin Shop
Fear No Music
Friends of Chamber Music
45th Parallel
Gary Nolan, Composer
Metropolitan Youth Symphony
Mousai Remix
Northwest New Music Ensemble
Oregon Pro Arte Chamber Orchestras
Oregon Music Teachers Association
Oregon Symphony
Portland Ballet
Portland Baroque Orchestra
Portland Cello Project
Portland Chamber Orchestra
Portland Festival Symphony
Portland Opera
Portland Saturday Market
Portland Summer Ensembles
Portland Youth Philharmonic Association
Regional Arts Council
The Monday Music Club of Portland
Links to other Music Organizations that I have been connected to:
Chautauqua Summer Music Festival
Meadowmount School of Music
Robert McDuffie Center for Strings